Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

DX News από το DX World - 3 Φεβρ 2017

EP2C – Iran

Pedro EA5GL informs DX-World readers about upcoming EP2C activity.
“We will try to start before midday on 8th Feb and end late evening of 10th Feb. We have 2 transceivers, one for phone and one for CW. We have a dipole for 40m. Another dipole for 15m and a 2 element yagi for 20m . (All home made). We are on 20m and 40 meter normally but we will try also 15m from 1200 to 1500. I will be online on twitter (@ep2lma) and let everybody know about the bands and frequency.
We are the only radio club in Iran and we really need the help and donation of small clubs and big places and DX foundations or anywhere else who want to help. With your help we can be on the air everyday and every weekend and we know many ham operators need to have QSO with Iran and we can make it for them.
All questions about the donations, please contact directly with EP2LMA, President of EP2C ep2lma@yahoo.com

JD1BLY – Ogasawara

Makoto, JI5RPT, will again be active from Chichijima, Ogasawara as JD1BLY between March 7-10, 2017. Activity on 160-10 m. CW, SSB and Digi. QSL via home call.

XR5M – Mocha Island, SA-061

An IOTA DXpedition using callsign XR5M to Mocha Island SA-061 (Chile) will take place during March 8 to 13, 2017. QSL via IK2DUW. More info to follow. Google Maps.