Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

DX News by I1JQJ, IK1ADH and I2VGW - 21 Δεκ 2024

No 1755

Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

HC8 - Ο Gus, HC2FG, θα είναι ξανά ενεργός ως HD8FG από το νησί Santa Cruz, στα Galapagos Islands (SA-004), ομάδα νησιών που ανήκουν στο κράτος του Ισημερινού και βρίσκονται στον Ειρηνικό Ωκεανό, από 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2024 έως 3 Ιανουαρίου 2025. Θα είναι QRV στα 6 μέτρα σε FT8 μόνο. QSL via LoTW, or direct to HC2FG.

8R - Ο Aldir, PY1SAD, θα είναι ξανά ενεργός ως 8R1TM από το Georgetown, πρωτεύουσα της Guyana, στο βόρειο κομμάτι της Νότιας Αμερικής, από 1 Ιανουαρίου έως 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2025. Θα εκπέμπει σε CW, SSB και σε digital modes σ' όλες τις μπάντες και via satellite.  QSL via LoTW,  eQSL, QRZ Logbook, or direct to home call.

9Y - Ο Earl, WA3DX, θα είναι ενεργός ως 9Y4/WA3DX από το Trinidad and Tobago (SA-011), στη Νότια Καραϊβική Θάλασσα, από 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2024 έως 14 Ιανουαρίου 2025. Θα εκπέμπει σε FT8 και FT4 στα 40-10 μέτρα. QSL via LoTW, or direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

JD1_oga - Once again Harry, JG7PSJ, will be active as JD1BMH from Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara from 23 December to 3 January. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10m.  QSL via JD1BMH (bureau), or direct to JG7PSJ. Logsearch on http://jg7psj.starfree.jp/jd1bmh/. He does not use LoTW or PayPal.
KH0 - Ken, JO1VRK, is expected to be active as KH0/AJ6VJ from Saipan (OC-086), Mariana Islands from 30 December to 3 January. He will be QRV on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW, FT8, FT4, RTTY and SSB. QSL via LoTW and eQSL.
KH9 - Currently stationed on Wake Island (OC-053), Allen, KH7AL, is QRV as KH7AL/KH9 in his spare time [425DXN 1754]. Next planned activities:
         22 December +/- 20:00 UTC on 10m SSB
         23 December +/- 08:00 UTC on 17m SSB
         29 December +/- 20:00 UTC on 17m SSB
         30 December +/- 08:00 UTC on 17m SSB
         QSL via home call,  direct or bureau. He keeps an "Activation Blog"
         and an "Upcoming" section on https://sites.google.com/view/kh7al/.
OZ - OZ400POST is a special callsign for members of  Experimenterende Danske Radioamatoerer to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Royal Danish Post Office, established on 24 December 1624 under King Christian IV. Look for activity from 24 December to 5 January. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred),  or via the bureau to OZ1ACB. See https://www.qrz.com/db/OZ400POST for information about the Post Award.
SM - The still operational long wave transmitter at the Grimeton Radio Station, callsign SAQ, will be activated on 24 December to send its traditional Christmas message to the world on 17.2 kHz CW  at 08:00 UTC. The Grimenton Radio Station  has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 2004. As for the amateur bands, SK6SAQ will be QRV during the day on  CW (3517, 7017, 14017 kHz)  and  SSB (3755 and 7140 kHz). QSLSK6SAQ via the bureau. More information can be found on https://alexander.n.se/en/.
T32 - The Rebel DX Group has been active as T32TTT from Kiritimati (Christmas Island, OC-024), East Kiribati [425DXN 1753] since 17 December 2024. This is a 2-man activity, with planned operations on 160-6 metres CW (two stations), SSB (one station) and FT8/FT4 (as many as twelve stations). Multiple bands can be in use at the same time, and two signals can be aired at the same time  on  two different frequencies on the same band - see https://www.qrz.com/db/T32TTT. QSL via Club Log's OQRS for LoTW and direct cards.
TJ - Thierry, TK1CX, is currently  working in Cameroon through February 2025. In his spare time he is QRV as TJ/TK1CX on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres; he operates mainly FT8 "with a solar power supply". QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or via EA5ZD.
TY - Gerard, F5NVF, will be active  holiday style as TY5C from Benin between 10 January and 2 April 2025. He will operate CW, FT8 and "very little SSB" on the HF bands and hopefully 6 metres. QSL direct to F5RAV, or via LoTW.
V4 - Brian, GW4DVB, will be active as V4/G4DVB from St. Kitts (NA-104) from 31 December 2024 to 6 January 2025. QSL direct to Brian Price, PO Box 2020, Llanharan, Pontyclun, CF72 9ZA, United Kingdom.

AFRICA TOUR ---> Billy, F4GJE, will be active as C5RK  from the Gambia on 4-5
January 2025, and as 6W1RD from Senegal on 11-12 January 2025. He will operate SSB and FT8/FT4 on 80-10 metres. QSLs via EA7FTR.

MASCARENE ISLANDS TRIP ---> Tom, DJ2TG,  will  be  active  as  FR/DJ2TG  from
Reunion Island (AF-016) on 17-23 December 2024, and as  3B8/DJ2TG  from Mauritius
(AF-049) on 24-30 December 2024. He operates FT8, FT4 and SSB on 30, 20 and 10m.
QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]