Members of the True DXing Group from Poland (SP9FIH, SQ9CNN, SQ9D) will be active from Bethlehem, Palestine, as E44WEduring early Spring 2017. They note all amateur radio stations in Palestine get 100 w licence, so their operation will be barefoot – only transceiver, no power amplifier. QSL via SP9FIH, Club Log OQRS. Webpage. Google Maps.
9N7XW – Nepal
Kazik, SP6AXW, is again returning to Kathmandu, Nepal and will be active as 9N7XWbetween March 15-31, 2017. QRV holiday-style. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
Phill, FK1TS, is now active from Fiji (Pacific Ocean) as 3D2TS. QRV on all bands, JT65. QSL via H/c. More to follow.
CE0Y/W1MJ – Easter Island
Eliot, W1MJ, will be active from Easter Island (Chile, Pacific Ocean) as CE0Y/W1MJ between April 2-6, 2017. QRV on 40-15 m, CW. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
Don, G3XTT, informs that he’s currently in Malta for a few days and will be active when time permits (Mon-Thurs) as 9H3DFusing an IC-7300 and bits of wire! QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
DU1/KE0BRZ – Palawan OC-128
Dale, KE0BRZ, will be active holiday-style from Palawan Island OC-128 (Philippines) as DU1/KE0BRZ between August 18-22, 2017. QRV mainly on 20 m SSB. Google Maps.
Kevin, K6TOP, is again active from B.V.I. (Caribbean) asVP2V/K6TOP until March 3, 2017. QRV on 40-10 m CW, spare time. QSL via LoTW or via NR6M. Google Maps.
P29VXG – Papua New Guinea
Haru, JA1XGI, will be active from Rapopo, New Britain Island OC-008, Papua New Guinea (Oceania) as P29VXG between April 6-12, 2017. Focus on EU. QSL via H/c. Webpage. Google Maps.
Dave, VE3VSM, will be active from Roatan Island NA-057 (Central America) as VE3VSM/HR9 between February 28 and March 5, 2017. QRV on 20-15 m CW and SSB. Participation in ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via home call and LoTW. Google Maps.
Tom, OH6VDA, informs DX-World that he is going to
Longyearbyen, Svalbard (Norway) on a holiday trip, and propagation permitting
will operate as JW6VDAon SSB only. No big expedition, holiday style operation. QSL info on Google Maps.
FG/DL2AAZ – Guadeloupe
Reiner, DL2AAZ, will be active from Saint Rose, Guadeloupe (Caribbean) as FG/DL2AAZ between May 22 to June 7, 2017. QRV on 30-10 m, CW and SSB, holiday-style. QSL via H/c (direct or bureau). Google Maps.
TI7/K0BBC – Costa Rica
Matt, K0BBC, will be active from Las Villas del Guayabo, Costa Rica (Central America) as TI7/K0BBC between February 28 to March 7, 2017. QRV on HF bans. Participation in the ARRL SSB contest. QSL via H/c.
Team complete: Tony, VK3TZ, Luke, VK3HJ, Chris, VK3FY, Peter, VK3FN, David, K3LP, and Lee, VK3GK. Flights and accommodation have been booked for both Christmas Islands (Australia) and Cocos. Google Maps.
Rich, KE1B, and Anna, W6NN, will be active from St Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean) as V4/KE1BandV4/W6NN between July 1-9 2017. QRV on 40-10 m. Also participation in the IARU HF World Championship Contest as V4/KE1B. QSL via H/cs. Google Maps.
ZF2FL and ZF2TC – Cayman Islands
Fred, K5QBX, and Royce, KE5TC, will be active from Grand Cayman (Caribbean) as ZF2FLand ZF2TCbetween March 20-27, 2017. QRV vacation style on CW, DIGI and SSB. QSL via H/cs. Google Maps.
GT4BRS – Isle of Man
Barry Amateur Radio Society will be active as GT4BRSfrom the Isle of Man (Great Britain) between April 15-22, 2017. The team is as follows:
Glyn, GW0ANA, Phil, MW0DHF, Jan, DJ8NK, Franz, DL9GFB, Markus, DL9RCF,
Thomas, MW0REN (DJ6OI), Alois, DL8RBL. They aim to be QRV on CW, SSB,
RTTY, JT65. Also planned is Top Band and Special efforts on 5 Mhz to West
Coast of USA (CW and JT65 and SSB) to give all time new one on 60
metres. QSL via DJ6OI. Google Maps.
you stay in Europe? Never visited Scotland before? Want to meet
like-minded DXers or simply ragchew over a DX Dinner? Then why not visit
one of northern Europe’s premier DX conventions on April 1st, 2017. It’s now easier than ever to visit Scotland with regular daily
flights from all over Europe arriving to Edinburgh or Glasgow; both
cities just a short drive from the GMDX convention venue. Make a long weekend out of your visit by taking in the convention and
doing some sightseeing. Scotland really is a breathtakingly beautiful
Bernd, DK7TF, Bernd, DF1FF, Jürgen, DH6ICE, Chris, DK2CL,
and Zik, DK8ZZ, will be active from Himandhoo Island, Maldives (Indian Ocean) between
March 2-9, 2017 as 8Q7LH. They will be QRV 80-10 m CW, SSB and DIGI (JT65, PSK), also trying to be QRV on 60 m. QSL via DK8ZZ. Google Maps.
Michael, DF8AN, will be active from Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Islands (Chile) as CE0Z/DF8AN between February 21-24, 2017. QRV on HF bands CW and Digi. QSL via H/c, eQSL. Google Maps.
Look for Wolfgang, DL5MAE, to be active from Phan Thiet, Vietnam as 3W2MAEbetween February 19-25, 2017. QRV on 20-10 m, CW and SSB. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
3D2AG/P – Rotuma
The next Rotuma Island (3D2AG/p), Pacific Ocean, Top Band to 2 m DXpedition is likely in late March this year, after the current cyclone season. More news will be posted soon. Google Maps.
Masa, JA0RQV, will retry to activate Niaufo’ou Island OC-123, Kingdom of Tonga (Pacific Ocean) as A35JP/P between 22 to 28 March 2017. His Majesty Armed Forces of Tonga (NAVY) will officially cooperate this activation by transporting Masa to OC-123 as their personal mission. Google Maps.
Charlie, K1XX, will be active from Montserrat (Caribbean) as VP2MMFbetween February 25 to March 5, 2017. QRV on 160-10 m, CW and SSB. Participation in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via H/c, LoTW. Google Maps.
DU2/JA1PBV – Batan Island, OC-093
World traveller Sadao, JA1PBV, is currently active from Batan Island OC-093 (Philippines) as DU2/JA1PBV. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
ZA/PA2LS – Albania
PE1KL, PD5LKM and PA2LS will be active from Albania as ZA/PA2LS between March 22-29, 2017. QRV on 160-2 m, CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. Participation in CQ WPX SSB contest. QSL via PA2LS (buro/direct). Google Maps.
Dimitry, UT5UGR, is again active from Martinique (NA-107), Caribbean, until February 21, 2017. QRV as FM/UT5UGR outside the ARRL DX CW contest and as TO7Aduring it. QSL via UT5UGR or OQRS. Google Maps.
AF3K and W2TT will be active from Turks and Caicos (Caribbean) as VP5/AF3KandVP5/W2TT between March 23-30, 2017. Also active as VP5Pduring CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB (Mar 25-26, 2017). QSL via LoTW. Google Maps.
RI0LI – Leont’yeva, Bear Islands AS-022
Website now available. A Russian Robinson team consisting R2DG, R7AA and UA6EX plan to be active from Leont’yeva, Bear Islands AS-022 (Siberia ) as RI0LIduring third week of July 2017. Bear Island archipelago is located in
the East Siberian Sea, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Google Maps.
Mike, W0MU, and Jonathan, G0DVJ, will be active from Placencia, Belize (Central America) as V31MU andV31DV between February 14-28, 2017. QRV on HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY. Operating as V3Mduring ARRL DX CW Contest. Google Maps.
JA1NVF will be active from Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands (Pacific Ocean) as N0Jbetween February 16-20, 2017. QRV on HF bands, focus on SSB. QSL via JJ2VLY. Google Maps.
9M4IOTA – Tioman Island, AS-046
Ridzuan, 9M2VDX, informs DX-World that the Kuala Lumpur DX Team (Malaysia), known as KLDX, will be active from Tioman Island AS-046, West Malaysia from March 3rd to 5th, 2017. 9M4IOTAis the callsign and they will be QRV on 10
to 80 m in CW, SSB and Digital modes. Tioman Island is an island in Rompin District, Pahang, Malaysia. QSL via 9M2OOO. Google Maps.
Drew, N2RFA, is again active from New Providence Island, Bahamas (Caribbean) as C6ABBuntil February 23, 2017. QRV 80-10 m RTTY, PSK31, JT65, SSTV. QSL via home call direct, LoTW, eQSL. Google Maps.
XT2SE – Burkina Faso
Elvira, IV3FSG, informs DX-World readers that she will be active from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso as XT2SEstarting February 17 to March 13, 2017. QRV when possible on 80-10 m SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Elvira is in Burkina Faso for project Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS (IT Without Borders).
QSL via IK3GES. Google Maps.
PJ4G – Bonaire
K2NG, NA2AA, K3SW along with PJ4LS and PJ4DX will be active from Bonaire Island (Caribbean) in the ARRL DX SSB Contest 4-5 March 2017 as PJ4G. They will be in M/2 Category. The U.S. operators will be signing PJ4/Homecall before and after the contest. Digital skeds for ATNO with PJ4 can be made with NA2AA via his QRZ email. See ‘PJ4G – Radio Mountain Bonaire‘ on Facebook for more information. QSL for PJ4G via WA2NHA, LoTW. QSL for operators is via direct and LoTW. Google Maps.
ZF2CA – Cayman Islands
ZF1A QTH, (credit ZF2CI/MM0NDX)
Colin, G4CWH, will be again from the ZF1A contest station on Grand Cayman Island as ZF2CAbetween March 9-13 2017. QRO operation on 160-10 m CW and SSB, including participation in BERU Contest (working UK stations only, March 11-12, 2017). QSL via H/c direct. Google Maps.
S21GM and S21KW – Bangladesh
Juris/YL2GM and team plan to be on the air from Bangladesh using callsigns S21GMand S21KWbetween March 15-27, 2017. The core of the team will be the same as last year’s EP2A. QTH will be in Kuakata (map). S21GM callsign will be used in the first half of our DX pedition time, S21KW – in the second half. This is caused by the specifics of the regulations in Bangladesh, and not because we want more duplicated QSOs in the log. Website. Google Maps.
DX-World, we share the design of the XRT7 QSL card of our
dxpedition to Ascension island (Atlantic Ocean). Within next 6 weeks QSLs will be sent
out to all requesters around the world. Google Maps.
Alex, UA1OJL, will be active from Bellinghausen station, King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010), Antarctica, as RI1ANOfrom April 2017 to March 2018. QRV spare time on all bands CW, SSB
and Digi. QSL via RN1ON, direct or bureau; OQRS on Club Log. Google Maps.
VP2V/K2WH – British Virgin Islands
Bill, K2WH, will be QRV as VP2V/K2WH from
Tortola, Peter, Anagada, Yost Van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and other islands
in the British Virgin Islands (Caribbean) between March 4-10, 2017. QSL via LoTW,
Direct or Bureau. Google Maps.
H E.E.Ρ. καλεί τους Έλληνες Ραδιοερασιτέχνες να συμμετάσχουν στο 4o BALKAN HF CONTEST, που διοργανώνεται την Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, από 12:00 UTC έως 18:00 UTC. Λεπτομέρειες και Κανόνες Συμμετοχής :
Martin, LU9EFO, will be active from Cozumel Island NA-090 (Mexico) as XF3/LU9EFO between March 10-20, 2017. QRV on HF band, SSB. QSL direct via F4BHW, buro via LU9EFO. Google Maps.
PY2/LU9EFO – Sao Sebastiao, SA-028
LU9EFO, PU2KBD and PU7TDX will be active from Sao Sebastiao island SA-028 (Brazil) during March 24-26, 2017. QRV on HF bands, SSB. QSL via F4BHW. Google Maps.
PJ2/OE3GEA – Curacao
Gerhard, OE3GEA, will be active from Curacao (Caribbean) as PJ2/OE3GEA between February 18 to March 1, 2017. QRV on 40-10 m, CW only; holiday-style. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η ανώτατη ισχύς ραδιοερασιτεχνικού σταθμού βάσει της
ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας είναι για μεν την Κατηγορία 1 (SV) από 1.8 - 29.7 MHz 500 W
από 50 MHz - 440 MHz 100 W και πάνω από τους 1,240 MHz 50 W, για δε την Κατηγορία
Εισαγωγικού Επιπέδου (SY) στις περιοχές 7-14-21-28 - 144 MHz - 430 MHz 10 W (σ' όλες
τις περιπτώσεις αναφερόμαστε σε ισχύ εξόδου κορυφής πριν την κεραία). Η
κατηγορία SY δεν επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιεί κεραίες με απολαβή (Yagi, Quad,
Spider beam κλπ).
Όλοι οι επαναλήπτες VHF της Ε.Ε.Ρ. είναι με διαμόρφωση narrow. Φροντίστε
να χρησιμοποιείτε το ίδιο εύρος διαμόρφωσης, διαφορετικά να μιλάτε χαμηλότερα
στο μικρόφωνο για να σας "περνάει" ο επαναλήπτης. Η διαυλοποίηση στα 2 μέτρα είναι
υποχρεωτικά 12.5 KHz και όχι 25 KHz.
Στα 6 μέτρα η συχνότητα 50.110 είναι για μικρές κλήσεις και αναγγελία QSY σε
άλλη συχνότητα.
Απαγορεύεται από τον νόμο η εκπομπή με χρήση άλλου διακριτικού. Αν
κάποιοι παρανομούν, η πράξη τους δεν απαλλάσσει τους υπόλοιπους από την
Βοηθείστε να γίνει το APRS δίκτυο χρήσιμο, μην χρησιμοποιείτε πλέον
τα path: RELAY, TRACEN-n, WIDEN-n παρά μόνο το WIDE2-2
για fixed και mobile.
An 11-man team, led by Nobby, G0VJG, will be active from Botswana as A25UKbetween April 25 to May 6, 2017. They will be QRV with five QRO stations; 160-10m CW, SSB and RTTY for up to 10-11 days. Antennas include verticals for 80/160 and 4 square for 40 m. Beams and towers will also be in use. QSL via M0OXO. Website. Google Maps.
5X8EW – Uganda
Eric, SM1TDE, will again be active from Entebbe, Uganda as 5X8EWbetween February 23-26, 2017. QRV on 40-10 m, CW. QSL via H/c.
V21ZG – Antigua
Babs, DL7AFS, and Lot, DJ7ZG, will again be active from Antigua (Caribbean) for another holiday-style DXpedition as V21ZGbetween February 28 to March 26, 2017. QRV on 80-6 m (incl 60 m), mainly SSB, RTTY, PSK, SSTV. QSL via DL7AFS. Webpage. Google Maps.