St Brandon DXpedition – 3B7
Seb, F5UFX, Team Leader of FT4TA (Tromelin) and FT4JA (Juan de Nova) says:
After our successful DXpeditions to Tromelin, FT4TA, and Juan de Nova, FT4JA, we are very happy to announce our new projet. Our team will be active from Saint Brandon island 3B7 (Indian Ocean) in October 2017 for a two weeks operation. More details to follow soon! Google Maps.
Aruba DXpedition
Ops NE9U, KK9K, W9RE and K1TO will be active from Aruba (Caribbean) as P4/NE9U, P4/W9RE and P4/K1TO between February 9-23, 2017. QRV on HF bands, QSL via LoTW, H/cs. Participation during ARRL DX CW contest as P40RF. Google Maps.