No 1760
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
6W - Ο Willy, ON4AVT, θα είναι ενεργός ξανά ως 6W7/ON4AVT από το Warang, στη Σενεγάλη (ΚΔ Αφρική), από 1 Φεβρουαρίου έως και 12 Απριλίου 2025. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or Club Log's OQRS.
9X - Ο Harold, DF2WO, θα είναι ενεργός ξανά ως 9X2AW από τη Rwanda (ΚΑ Αφρική) από 27 Ιανουαρίου έως και 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2025. Συνήθως εκπέμπει σε CW, SSB και FT8/FT4 στα 160-6 μέτρα και via QO-100. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
A9 - Το A9100IARU είναι το special callsign για την Bahrain Amateur Radio Society που θα γιορτάσει την 100ή επέτειο της IARU (International Amateur Radio Union). Ψάξτε για δραστηριότητα για 5 ημέρες κάθε μήνα μέσα στο 2025. QSL via EC6DX.
C5, 6W - Οι LB0OG, SP1C, SP1FM και SQ1GU θα είναι ενεργοί ως C5PL από το Tanji Bird Reserve (POTA GM-0004), που είναι ένα καταφύγιο πουλιών, στην The Gambia (χώρα στη Δυτική Αφρική που περικλείεται από τη Σενεγάλη) από 31 Ιανουαρίου έως και 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2025. Θα εκπέμπουν σε CW, SSB, FT8 και ίσως και σε FT4 στα 80-6 μέτρα, με εστίαση (focus) στα 20-10 μέτρα. QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS. Σχεδιάζουν επίσης σύντομες εκδρομές στο West Kiang Marine Park (POTA GM-0008), που είναι από τα μεγαλύτερα και πιο σημαντικά καταφύγια άγρια ζωής στη Γκάμπια, ως C5PL/p, και στο Delta du Saloum National Park (POTA SN-0002), που είναι ένα Εθνικό Πάρκο 760 τετραγωνικών χιλιομέτρων στη Σενεγάλη, ως 6W/homecall/p.
HP - Ο Bob, NC6Q, θα είναι ενεργός ως HP1TT από τον Panama (στην Κεντρική Αμερική) από 1-17 Φεβρουαρίου 2025. Θα εκπέμπει σε CW και ίσως και λίγο SSB στα 40, 20, 15 και 10 μέτρα. QSL direct to NC6Q. [TNX The Daily DX]
HR - Sejo, N3UA, expects to be active as HQ9Y from Roatan Island (NA-057) between 22 January and 1 February 2025. QSL via E73Y.
VK - Reminder: under a permanent agreement with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), all Australian radio amateurs may use the alternative AX callsign prefix instead of VK on Australia Day (26 January), ANZAC Day (25 April) and World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (17 May).
VK - Justin, VK7TW/p, and Reuben, VK7FREU/p, expect to be active from Mount Story (SOTA VK7/EC-038) on Schouten Island (OC-233) from 21:30 UTC on 24 January until 01:30 UTC on 25 January 2025. They will operate SSB and maybe CW on 40-6 metres. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5 - Tony, KD8RTT, will be active holiday style as VP5/KD8RTT from the Caicos Islands (NA-002) from 28 January to 2 February 2025. "My main radio focus will be on satellites, FM, APRS, and SSB", he says, "but I will have basic capabilities for QRP FT8 and SSB on HF as well". QSL via LoTW, or direct to home call. See
for updates.
VU - AU75BSG is the special callsign for the Rajapalayam International Radio Communicators Club (VU2IRD) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Bharat Scouts & Guides during a jamboree between 26 January and 4 February 2025. QSL via VU2JFF.
VU - A recent boot camp in the vicinity of Sacrifice Rock has yielded positive outcomes for both 80 and 160 metres. Consequently, team AU2V [425DXN 1759] will set up a dedicated station for these bands, offering an opportunity for those pursuing India on 160/80 metres. Tentative dates are still set for the second week of February. Sacrifice Rock belongs to IOTA group AS-161, which was activated only once, 23 years ago. Bookmark for updates, donations and other information.
YB - Emmanuel, F5LIT, expects to be active again as YB9/F5LIT from Bali Island (OC-022) from 28 January to 18 February. Usually he operates SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or direct to home call.
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**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!
C21TS ---> Phill, C21TS, has been active from Nauru since 2023. "I had previ-
ously previously stated that I would finish in February 2025", he says, "but
I have decided to stick it out a bit longer. Plans at this stage are to stay
at least until September 2025, then take two months leave". He has made some
83,500 QSOs so far, "with minimal dupes", and he hopes to reach 100,000 QSOs
before leaving the island. "The station is modest and mostly operate at 25
watts FT8 into a small vertical on 30m and above. I use a EFHW on 40m and
80m. I might try do some SSB in coming months. CW not going to happen. I
will attempt to get something going on 160m, but no promises". QSL via LoTW
and M0OXO's OQRS.
COMING SOON: DXCC TRIDENT AWARD ---> "The Programs & Services Committee and headquarters staff from the Radiosport Department are moving ahead with the creation of a new DXCC award - DXCC Trident - which will recognize those who
achieve DXCC using CW, phone, and digital modes. Higher achievement endorsements can be earned at the 200, 300, and Honor Roll levels. The DXCC Trident award is intended to spur greater on-air operating and to inspire those using digital modes to also develop their skills in, and practice, CW and SSB". Details are expected in due course. [Source: ARRL Member Bulletin for January 22, 2025]
CONTEST HALL OF FAME ---> The CQ Contest Hall of Fame was established by
"CQ" magazine in September 1986. The programme has maintained a consistent purpose to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to amateur radio contesting, both in support of others and in personal operating achievements. In addition, candidates are to be known for meaningful / measurable contributions to the hobby.
The Contest Hall of Fame is currently managed by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) in memory of "CQ" publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA. Nominations for the CHOF are evaluated annually, with a firm deadline for applications of 1 March. Nominations may be made by individuals, clubs, or other organizations. The nominations are evaluated and voted on by the Directors of the major CQ contests (WW, WPX, 160, RTTY, VHF). The nomination process is detailed on
DAYTON TOP BAND AND CONTEST DINNERS ---> The 35th Top Band Dinner will be held on 16 May, followed by the 31st Contest Dinner on 17 May. The events will take place at the Hope Hotel near Dayton, Ohio. Registrations are open: see and, respectively.