Simon, IZ7ATN, informs DX-World that he’ll be active (holiday-style) from Lampedusa Island AF-019 as IG9/IZ7ATN
between October 10-14, 2016. It’s possible side trips to rarer IIA
counters (Linosa, Lampione and Conigli islands) could occur during the
activity. Google Maps.
P40A – Aruba
John, KK9A, will be active from Aruba as P40Abetween October 25-31, 2016. QRV on 160-10 m, CW and SSB. QSL via WD9DZV. Google Maps.
FT5XT – Kerguelen Island
Gildas, FT5XT
Gildas, F4HQZ (ex-TU5KG), will again be active as FT5XTfrom Kerguelen Island (Southern Indian Ocean) on Thursday or Friday this week. Activity on 15 or 20 m when time permits. Note: Gildas is captain of a fishing vessel which sails in the
FT5 area for up to 3 months so activity from Crozet (as FT5WQ) or FT5XT
can be sporadic. He sometimes signs FT5XT/MM. Wikipedia.