E31A and E39DI (IOTA AF-038)
To be conducted by Zorro JH1AJT and his team in Asmara/State of Eritrea from May 19 through 29, 2017.
Team : JH1AJT Zorro, DJ9ZB Franz, E21EIC Champ, RA9USU Dima
Operation : 160-10 m, CW, SSB, RTTY
P.O. Box 8 Oiso
Naka kanagawa 259-0111
OQRS will be available at ClubLog after his return to Japan.
Alfredo, IK7JWX, will be active from Sazan Island EU-169 (Albania) as ZA/IK7JWX between June 10-20, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
A25AL – Botswana
Alex, IW5ELA, will be active as A25ALfrom the Okavango area of Botswana (Africa) during September 7-15, 2017. QRV using vertical; CW. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
FR/F4HPX – Reunion Island
Thomas, F4HPX, will be active from Reunion (Indian Ocean) as FR/F4HPX between June 4-16, 2017. QRV on 40-15 m CW, SSB and Digi. QSL via H/c, LoTW, eQSL, Club Log OQRS. Google Maps.
Christoph, DL1YAF, informs DX-World.net that he will be active from Lord Howe Island (Australia) as DL1YAF/VK9L between May 1-8, 2017. QRV holiday-style on 80-10 m, SSB/CW. QTH: Beachcomber Lodge. QSL: via homecall. Google Maps.
VK9AA – Christmas Island
Chae, HL1AHS, informs DX-World.net that he will be active from Christmas Island (Oceania) as VK9AA
between June 24 to July 1, 2017. QRV on 80-6 m CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK 31. He
will use a Yaesu FT-991A transceiver with Expert 1.3K amplifier.
Antennas will be VDA and G5RV. QSL via home call direct, LoTW. Google Maps.
John, AD8J, will be active from Dunbar Rock, Guanaja island NA-057 (Central America) as HR9/AD8J between May 13-27, 2017. QRV all bands, focus on 160 and 80 m. QSL via home call direct, LoTW. Google Maps.
There is a possibility of a side trip to IOTA AS-157 group for 2-3 days during 3W9FU activity signing /P. Yuri, RM0F, has announced that he will be active from Nha Trang, Vietnam as 3W9FU between April 29 to May 12, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c, Club Log OQRS, LoTW. Google Maps.
Michael, 5P1KZX, is currently active from Nuuk, Greenland as OX/5P1KZX until May 5, 2017. QRV on 80-10 m, Digimodes. QSL via LoTW, wQSL, Club Log. Google Maps.
V29SH – Antigua
Tim, VE6SH, will again be active from Jumby Bay, Antigua (Caribbean) as V29SH between July 23 to August 7, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c (LoTW). Google Maps.
VP9/CX3AN and VP9/CX4CR – Bermuda
Bert, CX3AN, and Mario, CX4CR, will be active from Bermuda (Atlantic Ocean) as VP9/CX3ANandVP9/CX4CR between May 10-15, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via EB7DX. Google Maps.
Το Σάββατο 20
Απριλίου 2017 η επικοινωνία του 14ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου
14ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κατερίνης, στα πλαίσια του σχολικού προγράμματος
"ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ", σε συνεργασία με το 5ο Γενικό Λύκειο Κατερίνης, τον Σύλλογο
Ραδιοερασιτεχνών Πιερίας και την Ένωση Ελλήνων Ραδιοερασιτεχνών, διοργανώνει
εκδήλωση, με κεντρική δραστηριότητα την απευθείας επικοινωνία μαθητών με τον
Κοσμοναύτη, σε τροχιά, του Διεθνούς Διαστημικού Σταθμού, Fyodor
(Θεόδωρο) Yurchikhin - Γραμματικόπουλο RN3FI.
Η εκδήλωση θα
πραγματοποιηθεί στην αίθουσα πολλαπλών εκδηλώσεων του 2ου και 5ου Γενικού Λυκείου
Κατερίνης (πρώην Πολυκλαδικό) Ηπείρου 10, Κατερίνη Τ.Κ.
60100 στις 29
Απριλίου 2017, με ώρα
προσέλευσης 13:10 με ελεύθερη είσοδο για όλους. Η
προγραμματισμένη ώρα για την επικοινωνία με τον Διεθνή Διαστημικό σταθμό είναι
στις 15:00 (3 η
ώρα το μεσημέρι). Το εγχείρημα αυτό
πραγματοποιείται με την βοήθεια των Διαστημικών Υπηρεσιών ROSCOSMOS, ESA, NASA
και με τον συντονισμό του οργανισμού ARISS (Amateur Radio on International Space
Harry, JG7PSJ. will again be active as JD1BMHfrom Ogasawara (Japan) between April 30 to May 5, 2017. QRV on 160-10 m CW, SSB and RTTY. Updates on twitter and JD1BMH webpage. Google Maps.
TX5X – Tahiti
Will, W0ZRJ, and Bill, KH6OO, will be active from Tahiti (Pacific Ocean), OC-046 as TX5Xbetween May 10-17, 2018. QRV on HF bands CW, SSB, JT9. QSL via KH6OO direct, LoTW, OQRS. Google Maps.
JD1BOW – Ogasawara
Nobuaki, JA0JHQ, will again be active from Ogasawara (Japan) as JD1BOWbetween April 25-30, 2017. QRV on 160-6 m, CW and Digi. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
Max, ON5UR, will be active holiday-style from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein as HB0/ON5UR during May 27 to June 3, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
Το 14ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κατερίνης, στα πλαίσια του σχολικού
"ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ", σε συνεργασία με το 5ο Γενικό Λύκειο Κατερίνης, τον
Ραδιοερασιτεχνών Πιερίας και την Ένωση Ελλήνων
Ραδιοερασιτεχνών, διοργανώνει εκδήλωση, με κεντρική δραστηριότητα την
επικοινωνία μαθητών με τον Κοσμοναύτη, σε τροχιά, του
Διαστημικού Σταθμού, Fyodor ( Θεόδωρο) Yurchikhin - Γραμματικόπουλο
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην αίθουσα πολλαπλών εκδηλώσεων
του 2ου & 5ου Γενικού Λυκείου Κατερίνης (πρώην Πολυκλαδικό) Ηπείρου 10,
Κατερίνη Τ.Κ. 60100 στις 29 Απριλίου 2017, ώρα προσέλευσης 13:10 με ελεύθερη
είσοδο για όλους.
Look for M0DCG, M1PTR and M5KJM to be active from Liechtenstein as HB0/G8SRS between April 23-26, 2017. Holiday style operation. SSB and maybe data. 20 m 40 m 6 m. QSL via Bureau to M5KJM. Google Maps.
9M2/IK2PFL – Perhentian Besar Island, AS-073
Luca, IK2PFL, will be active from Perhentian Besar Island, AS-073 (Malaysia) as 9M2/IK2PFL between May 1-4, 2017. QRV on HF bands using 100 watts and vertical. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
9M2/IK2PFL – Langkawi Island, AS-058
Luca, IK2PFL, will be active from Langkawi Island, AS-058 (Malaysia) as 9M2/IK2PFL between May 6-8, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
3W9FU – Vietnam
Yuri, RM0F, has announced that he will be active from Nha Trang, Vietnam as 3W9FUbetween April 29 to May 12, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c, Club Log OQRS, LoTW. Google Maps.
Dear friends,
In less than a week after our arrival from our last DXpedition to Guinea-Bissau as J5B and J5W (IOTA AF-020) we are pleased to show you the QSL card that is ready for printing. We achieved great success, with more than 19,500 QSO in our log, after
7.5 days of full operation, with just 2 stations working 20 hours a
day. We were active from 10 to 80 meters, SSB, CW and RTTY. Thanks to all those who believed in our project and made it possible. More information about QSL card policy can be found at our QRZ web pages (J5B or J5W). Hope you like it.
Best 73
Josep, EA3BT (J5B)
Núria, EA3WL (J5W)
PJ5, PJ6, PJ7/PH2M – St Eustatius, Saba and St Maarten
This is an update for my holiday-style DX-pedition to the Caribbean islands of St.Maarten, Saba and St.Eustatius. The definite time schedule (local time) will be:
St.Maarten: Arrival on May 19 2017 (afternoon) – departure on May 24 2017 (morning).
Saba: Arrival on May 24 2017 (afternoon) – departure on May 29 2017 (morning).
St.Eustatius: Arrival on May 29 2017 (afternoon) – departure on June 4 2017 (morning).
For more info and updates during the DX-pedition, see my QRZ-pages:
John, AD8J, will be active from Dunbar Rock, Guanaja island NA-057 (Central America) as HR9/AD8J between May 13-27, 2017. QRV all bands, focus on 160 and 80 m. QSL via home call direct, LoTW. Google Maps.
Ari, OH3KAV, informs DX-World.net that he will be QRV as OF0KAfrom Eckerö, Åland Islands (Finland) (EU-002) from April 22-26, 2017. This
will be a low profile, holiday style operation, mainly on HF bands
using CW and JT-65/JT-9 modes, also on the new 60 meter band. QSL via
OH3KAV. Google Maps. *Special callsign OF0KA is used to celebrate Finland’s 100th
anniversary of independency. Åland is an autonomous, monolingually
Swedish-speaking region of Finland.
DL1YAF/VK9L – Lord Howe Island
Christoph, DL1YAF, informs DX-World.net that he will be active from Lord Howe Island (Australia) as DL1YAF/VK9L between May 1-8, 2017. QRV holiday-style on 80-10 m, SSB and CW. QTH: Beachcomber Lodge. QSL: via homecall. Google Maps.
5A5A – Libya
Dima, RA9USU, informs DX-World.net that he is now active from Tripoli, Libya as 5A5Auntil Sunday (April 23). QRV on CW. QSL via UA3DX. Google Maps.
Dima, RA9USU, informs DX-World.net that he is now active from Tripoli, Libya as 5A5Auntil Sunday (April 23). QRV on CW. QSL via UA3DX. Google Maps. Image courtesy 5A5A/RA9USU
Susumu, JA6REX, is again returning to Chuuk, Micronesia (Pacific Ocean) and will be active this time as V63KS(not V633KS as previously). QRV on 160-6 m, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via H/c. Webpage. Google Maps.
Akira, JH0CKF, Kay, JJ0RIK, and Kunio, JA8VE, will be active from Palau (Pacific Ocean) as T88MZ, T8KA and T8VEbetween May 12-19, 2017. QRV on 80-10 m, CW and SSB. QSL via H/cs. Google Maps.
9H3SQ – Malta
Mek, SQ3RX, informs DX-World that he will once again be active from Gozo Island, Malta as 9H3SQbetween 15-24th of May. QRV with TS480Sat + wire antennas (inverted V,
verticals) for 40-10 m bands. Activity on CW, RTTY and SSB. QSL preferred
via Club Log OQRS or HC (direct, bureau). Log uploaded to LoTW. Google Maps.
V84SWA is a special event callsign to celebrate Amateur Radio Day in Darussalam, Brunei (Asia). Activity on air for a week with this special event during 18-24 April, 2017. QRV on SSB, CW, Digi. QSL via V85TL. Google Maps.
8Q7QV – Maldives
Mike, UA1QV, informs DX-World.net that he has received his license and is planning to be active from the island of Fihalhohi, Maldives (Indian Ocean) (AS-013) as 8Q7QVfrom April 20-25, 2017. QRV holiday style on 40 m and above; CW and SSB. Google Maps.
Thomas, OZ1AA, informs DX-World.net that he will be active from San Andres Island (Central America) NA-033 as HK0/OZ1AA between April 20-23 2017. QRV on HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via OZ1ACB or Club Log OQRS. Google Maps.
E44WE – Palestine
Dates of activity – May 16 to 30, 2017. Activity now consists only SP9FIH (solo operation). Google Maps.
The NA128 Contest Group will be active again this year (10th year in row) as CG2I (M2/DXpedition) from Ile-aux-Coudres, Quebec, Canada (IOTA NA-128) between July 27 and July 30 for the IOTA Contest. QSL direct via VE2EBK. Club Log and LoTW uploaded few days after the contest. More information about previous operations, go to: www.qsl.net/na128cg. Google Maps.
VK2FBBB/VK9 – Norfolk Island
Rob, VK2FBBB, is active on Norfolk Island (Australia) until 21st April
2017. Operating mainly on 40 m and occasionally 80 m from 6 pm each
(local) night. QSL: VK2 bureau c/o WIA National Inwards QSL Bureau – PO Box 2040, Bayswater, Victoria, 3153, Australia. Google Maps.
J5T – Guinea Bissau DXpedition
The Italian DXpedition Team (IDT) announces their next
DXpedition in mid-November 2017 to Bubaque Island (J5 Guinea-Bissau, Africa),
IOTA reference AF-020, with the callsign J5T. The team
will be composed of I1HJT, I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, IK2RZP
and JA3USA. They expect to use 4 stations on all HF bands (no 50 MHz),
using CW and SSB. RTTY one band only, to be chosen. Google Maps.