The NA128 Contest Group will be active again this year (10th year in row) as CG2I (M2/DXpedition) from Ile-aux-Coudres, Quebec, Canada (IOTA NA-128) between July 27 and July 30 for the IOTA Contest. QSL direct via VE2EBK. Club Log and LoTW uploaded few days after the contest. More information about previous operations, go to: Google Maps.
Rob, VK2FBBB, is active on Norfolk Island (Australia) until 21st April
2017. Operating mainly on 40 m and occasionally 80 m from 6 pm each
(local) night. QSL: VK2 bureau c/o WIA National Inwards QSL Bureau – PO Box 2040, Bayswater, Victoria, 3153, Australia. Google Maps.
The Italian DXpedition Team (IDT) announces their next
DXpedition in mid-November 2017 to Bubaque Island (J5 Guinea-Bissau, Africa),
IOTA reference AF-020, with the callsign J5T. The team
will be composed of I1HJT, I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, IK2RZP
and JA3USA. They expect to use 4 stations on all HF bands (no 50 MHz),
using CW and SSB. RTTY one band only, to be chosen. Google Maps.