Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2017

DX News από το DX World - 25 Ιαν 2017

TI6, TI7/HA5XA and TI6, TI7/HA9WM – Costa Rica

Puerto Viejo de Talamance
Krisztián, HA5XA, informs DX-World:
My family (XYL Marta HA9WM, myself HA5X / HA5XA and our twin daughters) will be on holiday in Costa Rica between 15 February – 1 March 2017. We will of course take some modest amateur radio equipment and be QRV from Puerto Viejo de Talamanca on the Caribbean beach (TI6) and from Tilarán on a hill overlooking Lake Arenal (TI7). RIG comprises of FT-991, FT-817, 300W linear, wire for antennas, etc. HF bands, CW, SSB and perhaps some RTTY. Very much holiday style, mainly in the morning and evening hours when not touring the country. Might work a few hours of the ARRL DX CW contest as well. Callsigns TBA, expectedly TI6/HA_homecall and TI7/HA_homecall. Google Maps.

3B8HE – Mauritius

Paul, G8AFC, will be active from Mauritius as 3B8HE between February 1 to April 5, 2017. QRV on 40-6 m. QTH is north coast of Mauritius. QSL via H/c.

V47JR – St Kitts and Nevis

Thaire, W2APF, will be active from Nevis as V47JR between March 18 to April 1, 2017. QRV on 80-10 m, CW/SSB. Wire antennas. QSL via H/c. Google Maps.