P4/DL4MM and P40AA – Aruba
Mat, DL4WM, will be active from the P40L contest QTH as P4/DL4MM between January 25-30, 2017. QRV on both CW/SSB, focus on low bands, EU/AS/JA. Participation in CQ 160 CW contest as P40AA (single op). QSL via H/c. Google Maps.
9M0W – Spratly
Hrane, YT1AD, now has a team complete for a DXpedition to Spratly Island, Malaysian part:
Team: YT1AD, HL5FUA, AD6E, K9JM, YT3W, ZL3WW, K6MKF, K6SZR, N6TQS, VK3FY, VK3GK and DU1UD. Period is first part of December 2017. We expect callsign 9M0W. The expedition will last for 8 or 10 days. In our team will be several amateurs from Kota Konibalu. The team will fly from Kota Kinibalu to Layang Layang. More information coming soon. Google Maps.